Monday, 25 April 2016

#176 to #178 at the Western Treatment Plant, Victoria, April 25 2016

I enjoyed a beautiful Autumn day at the treatment plant today!

#176 Spotless Crake

#177 Glossy Ibis

#178 Great Egret
eBird checklist:

After today...
2016 year list: 246
2016 photos: 178

Sunday, 10 April 2016

#174 and #175 at the Melbourne Botanic Gradens, Victoria, April 10 2016

We had a wonderful family outing today including a picnic lunch at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens. I also managed to get a few sneaky bird photos, as well as a heap of my kids!

#174 Nankeen Night-heron

#175 Bell Miner
eBird checklist:

After today...
2016 year list: 245
2016 Photos: 175

Saturday, 2 April 2016

#171 to #173 at Woodlands Historic Park, Victoria, April 3 2016

I went for my first visit to Woodlands Historic Park for the year today. It's a close to home location that usually has some great birds. But lately it's been a not-so-good because it has really dried out. The last time that I was there I struggled to find much at all. Today I was looking for robins - scarlet and red-capped to be precise. I did manage to find a female Red-capped Robin, but she was in the distance and back-lit resulting in far less than average photos. There was not a lot around as it is still quite dry. I did get three more photos for the year list though!

#171 Crimson Rosella

#172 Laughing Kookaburra

#173 Rufous Whistler

eBird checklist: