Monday, 29 August 2016

#222 Pallid Cuckoo at Woodlands Historic Park, Victoria, August 28

I went to Woodlands in the morning looking for Tawny Frogmouths, but didn't find any. I was very fortunate however to find a Pallid Cuckoo, a bird that I've only ever seen once before. It was chased off by some White-plumed Honeyeaters before I could get some better photos, but I was very happy to get any photos, let alone see it!

#222 Pallid Cuckoo

Saturday, 27 August 2016

#220 and #221 at Greensborough, Victoria, August 27

There have been a few reports of critically endangered Swift Parrots recently from the Greensborough area, and I finally found some time this afternoon to go and have a look. And there were most certainly some Swifties!! Unfortunately, they were too distant and high up the trees for good photos, but I definately got plenty of average photos!!! I also managed a sub-par photos of a Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Not my best day with the camera, but I'll add them to the list anyway...

#220 Yellow-faced Honeyeater

#221 Swift Parrot