Friday, 30 December 2016

Final Post!!!!

It seems that my photographic endeavours for 2016 have come to an end. This has been a lot of fun. With persistence, determination and a healthy dose of luck I managed to find and photograph 311 species of birds in 2016.

In 2017 I am not setting any targets for birding. Instead, I plan to simply enjoy finding and photographing wildlife wherever I may be. I am going to blog my outings at a new blog here:


Thursday, 22 December 2016

#311 White-winged Triller @ Woodlands Historic Park, Victoria, December 21

I planned to get out of bed early and spend the day wandering around Woodlands Historic Park. However, I slept in, and didn't get there until around 10:15am. By that time in the summer, even on milder days, the birds have all finished doing what they do and found somewhere cooler to spend the day. Of course, this did not bother me at all, because I had my macro lens and the flowering gums were teeming with insects. I spent 99% of my time photographing insects an spiders (posted here until I heard the trilling call of a White-winged Triller. I eventually found at least two, but they were both very high up in the trees. I got the best photo I could manage for species #311 photographed in 2016!
#311 White-winged Triller

Sunday, 11 December 2016

#310 Australian Raven at Wonga Park, Victoria, December 11

I decided to go and look for an apparently reliable Azure Kingfisher at Heritage Wetlands in Wonga Park last week, but couldn't find it. So I decided to go and have another crack at it, and dipped again! It's not a lifer, but it would be a new one for my Victorian list, and a new one for my year photos. While I was there I heard the distinctive call of two Australian Raven, and managed to get species photo #310 for 2016.

#310 Australian Raven