Friday, 2 September 2016

#223 Scaly-breasted Lorikeet at Brimbank Park, Victoria, September 2

I woke up this morning with a killer migraine and called in sick for work. As they day wound on, I began to feel a bit better, so around 3:30pm I headed to Brimbank Park for some fresh air. This location is incredibly close to home, yet I hardly ever go there because there are, in my opinion, much better places nearby. But today I wanted to stay close to home just in case I needed to come home early and go back to a dark room if that migraine came back!

Just as I was leaving, I saw a lorikeet fly past me into a small yellow gum that was in flower. I peered into the foliage and was extremely surprised and overjoyed to see a Scaly-breasted Lorikeet. I have seen them before in Brisbane, but never in my home state of Victoria. I moved around slowly and carefully, trying to find a gap though the sticks and leaves so that I could get a clear photo. It was not easy, but after persisting for a while I managed to get a few clear shots. Woo hoo!

#223 Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
eBird checklist:

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