Tuesday, 12 January 2016

#55 to #67 at Taylors Lakes Wetlands - January 13 2016

I was very happy to be out of bed after being quite sick with the flu. Unfortunately it was a going to be another CRAZY hot day here in Melbourne, with an expected top of 43 degrees Celsius! The hot weather and my recent illness made me decide to go for a quick trip to the local wetlands as my next birding adventure (rather than the whole day outing I had hoped for).

I arrived at Taylors Lakes Wetlands around 9:30am after dropping the kids off at daycare. It was already over 30 degrees, and there were far less birds around than usual. Still, I managed to get some photos of what I would describe as our more common local species, or as I call them, "The usual suspects." I managed to add 13 species to the year photography list, which isn't too bad for an hours hot, sweaty, extremely thirsty work!

ebird checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S26865127

#55 Australian Wood Duck

#56 Eurasian Coot

#57 Dusky Moorhen

#58 Hardhead

#59 White-plumed Honeyeater

#60 Great Cormorant

#61 Little Black Cormorant

#62 New Holland Honeyeater

#63 Willie Wagtail

#64 Magpie-lark

#65 Australasian Darter
#66 Crested Pigeon

#67 Australian Magpie
At the end of this trip:
Year list: 143
2016 Photos: 67

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