Wednesday, 20 January 2016

#88 to #103 - Birding around Bendigo at Kamarooka and Crusoe Reservoir

I got up very early morning (4am) and drove through the pitch black and rain to get to Kamarooka National Park near Bendigo at dawn. I love Kamarooka - the bush here is beautiful. But at the moment it is VERY dry. A bushfire just waiting to happen it seems. And that's why I chose to go there today, on a day that was raining. I figured that a bushfire would be far less likely in the rain! Of course, that also meant that the light was absolutely shocking, and photography was difficult at best.

The birding today at Kamarooka was quite difficult. I've been there at dawn on a few occasions and the bird calls are relentless. But this morning it was eerily quiet. I really had to search quite hard for the areas specialities, and with luck and persistence I found a few. I did dip on three honeyeater species that I would have liked to have seen - Purple-gaped, Tawny-crowned and White-fronted. So I'll need to go back - probably in spring!

eBid checklist:

#88 Common Bronzewing

#89 Shy Heathwren

#90 Inland Thornbill

#91 White-eared Honeyeater

#92 Yellow Thornbill

#93 Buff-rumped Thornbill

#94 Weebill

#95 Golden Whistler
#96 Brown-headed Honeyeater

#97 White-browed babbler

After a quick lunch I headed to Crusoe Reservoir where I managed to pick up a few more photos, including a young Southern Boobook that I should have taken way better photos of, and incredible close views of a Crested Bellbird.

eBird checklist:

#98 Black-chinned Honeyeater

#99 White-winged Chough
#100 Grey Fantail
#101 Southern Boobook

#102 Yellow-tufted Honeyeater

#103 Crested Bellbird

After today:
2016 year list: 201
2016 photos: 103

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